Block Printing with Mordants (On-site Drop-in Program)

An-Phuong Ly, textile artist
Join An to discover patterns, prints, and designs on fabric through block printing! During this demonstration, you will explore extracting pigments from natural dye materials, creating different shades of color, and a variety of pattern tools. An will also demonstrate the finishing process, showing how to ensure the pigment remains lightfast. 

Please note: This is a drop-in experience and will be repeated several times over the course of the designated program time. 

Intended Audience: All Levels

Saturday, November 16, 2024
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM  Eastern
Location: Conservatory Garden Court
FREE: This is a drop-in program. No registration needed.

About the presenter

An-Phuong Ly
An-Phuong Ly is a natural dyer and textile artist working out of her studio in Washington, D.C. Her passion is in exploring the unexpected colors that plants and natural materials can yield, experimenting with texture and pattern, and continuously learning, collaborating, and sharing this practice with others.