Buzzing Blooms: Orchid Pollinators (On-site Drop-in Family Program)

Lilly Andersen, USBG Family Education Specialist
Join us to learn about the specialized relationships that have evolved between orchids and their pollinators. Discover the diversity of orchids, explore their strategies to attract pollinators, and play an orchid/pollinator matching game!

This program is connected to our current exhibit “Orchids: Masters of Deception.”

Intended Audience: Families

Friday, March 14, 2025
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM  Eastern
Location: Conservatory Garden Court
FREE: This is a drop-in program. No registration needed.

About the presenter

Family Education Specialist
U.S. Botanic Garden
Lilly Andersen is the U.S. Botanic Garden's Family Education Specialist. She works to build connections between people and plants through science education, focusing on the child/family audience.