Family Program: Fruit to Poop: A Seed's Journey (On-site Drop-in Program)

Lilly Andersen, USBG Family Education Specialist, and USBG Volunteers
What's the connection between fruit and poop? Join Lilly and USBG volunteers to explore how plants and animals help each other and the relationship between plants making fruit and animals eating that fruit. Think and learn about what makes a fruit a fruit, why fruits tend to taste sweet, and why it benefits plants when animals eat their fruits.

Intended Audience: Children / Families

Friday, September 13, 2024
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM  Eastern
Location: Conservatory Children's Garden
FREE: This is a drop-in program. No registration needed.

About the presenter

Lilly Andersen
Lilly Andersen is the U.S. Botanic Garden's Family Education Specialist. She works to build connections between people and plants through science education, focusing on the child/family audience.